Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thing #13

Today I explored Delicious and created an account. One of the other teacher on my team last year had a delicious account that we could use, so I was already pretty familiar with it. I love Delicious. It makes getting to my favorite websites so easy. Last year we used it all the time. It was a collaborative 3rd grade account so to speak and we all accessed what C would put on it. Now I have my own account that I can share with her and others. I was also thinking it would be great for my students, because instead of having to write out all of the websites they should go to for a particular research project, they could just use the links on my Delicious account. Tags would also help during research if they were to go beyond the links that I had on my account. For my personal life, I love being able to quickly get to my favorite sites. I keep thinking that it's not much different than My Favorites, but the tags on Delicious make it so much easier to search for things. I'm not very creative with my tags though. I think that as I use delicious during the school year and really know what I'm looking for/using all the time, it will be easier to create better tags. As far as sharing my Delicious account, I'm not sure what to do about that because I don't really know who to share with. Once school starts again, there will definintely be teachers who will be great resources to share with.

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